The Daily News

LFCA Latest Issue: Friday, September 25, 2009.

Latest Post on BlogHer: Parenting after Infertility.

My Status: Fed Josh's almonds to the squirrels. They needed them very badly.

Monday, June 26, 2006


We started working on this book a little while ago, but we only put up the blog last night. It is currently 2:37--let's say mid-way through the day--and the site has already gotten 80 hits! Which--if you've ever started a blog--know is incredible. We only put the link out there in a few places where we always frequented for information--IVFconnections and RESOLVE. Also, here in D.C., we are members of MCPOM, the organization for parents of multiples and DCUM (D.C. Urban Moms), a wonderful parenting listserv that we joined while we were still trying. And we've already gotten 80 hits at last check. Which can mean only one thing--all of us have horrible IF experiences to share. I mean, why else go to an IF site?

Okay, so there are other reasons to go, but I think this site and book is worthwhile because there is such a breakdown of understanding between the non-infertile community and the Stirrup Queens and Sperm Palace Jesters (we can call ourselves SQs and SPJs for short). The first comment--Lynne's under "question one"--sums it all up. Those who have not been through IF see pregnancy through different-coloured glasses. I think one thing I gained from the whole experience is a sensitivity over what I say concerning pregnancy (all other topics I've been known to put my foot in my mouth).

That said, send in your stories. Either via email or through the comments section. Check back regularly. We'll be posting a new question (and expecting you to send in new stories) every few days. Feel free to go backwards and answer old questions if you're new to the blog. It would be helpful if you put which question you're answering in the subject line of any emails you send us. Also, feel free to write us if you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future topics. This book is for everyone who has had to go through infertility and it's only helpful if it covers all topics.

Lastly, how do we know how many people have viewed the site? We have a sitemeter that counts how many people open the blog. It mostly just tells us the location of your server and how long you spent on the site. It's helpful to know that this blog is being read across America--and even in the nether regions of the world (hello, Auckland!). Moreover, it's very moving to see someone log in from Livingston, New Jersey and then moments later see another person pop up in Wayne, New Jersey. You wish you could link those two people together--have them share their experiences. Maybe they go to the same RE. Maybe they went through a retrieval on the same day at the same clinic. All I know is that community and support is what kept me going through the experience. Please pass along this link to anyone you know who is going through infertility. Pass it along to message boards and friends. Don't be afraid to share your own stories. On some days, they are just the thing that keep us going through one more cycle.

1 comment:

K|nneret said...

There are a lot of infertility blogs out there ... some excellent ones are linked in one big link shmorgasborg via Julie's excellent blog at

Just a thought.

good luck with your blog :)