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LFCA Latest Issue: Friday, September 25, 2009.

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My Status: Fed Josh's almonds to the squirrels. They needed them very badly.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Circle Time: The Show and Tell Weekly Thread

Show and Tell is wasted on elementary schoolers. Join several dozen bloggers weekly to show off an item, tell a story, and get the attention of the class. In other words, this is Show and Tell 2.0. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you have never posted before and just found out about Show and Tell for the first time today. So yank out a photo of the worst bridesmaid's dress you ever wore and tell us the story; show off the homemade soup you cooked last night; or tell us all about the scarf you made for your first knitting project. Details on how to participate are located at the bottom of this post.

Let's begin.

It was hard to wait. Christian people held out offers like crack throughout the fall. "I have a whole set of CDs if you want one," they whispered. "One song can't hurt you."

But I held fast and with the exception of singing "O Holy Night" to myself in the shower every single morning, I did not listen to Christmas music until this weekend when 97.1 FM turned over the station to 24/7 Christmas music. Oh sweet relief.

Sharon Barren grooving to the Christmas music

Why yes, Josh and I are working on new Sharon Barren movies--glad you asked.

What are you showing today?

Click here or scroll down to the bottom of this post if this is your first time joining along (hint: link to the permalink for the post, not the main url for your blog and use your blog's name, not your name). The list is open from now until late Tuesday night and a new one is posted every week.

Other People Standing at the Head of the Class:

Want to bring something to Show and Tell?
  • If you would like to join circle time and show something to the class, simply post each Saturday night (or earlier in the week or on Monday if you can't do the weekend), hopefully including a picture if possible, and telling us about your item. It can be anything--a photo from a trip, a picture of the dress you bought this week, a random image from an old yearbook showing a person you miss. It doesn't need to contain a picture if you can't get a picture--you can simply tell a story about a single item. The list opens every Saturday night and closes on Tuesday night.
  • You must mention Show and Tell and include a link back to this post in your post so people can find the rest of the class. This spreads new readership around through the list. This is now required.
  • Label your post "Show and Tell" each week and then come back here and add the permalink for the post via the Mr. Linky feature (not your blog's main url--use the permalink for your specific Show and Tell post).
  • Oh, and then the point is that you click through all of your classmates and see what they are showing this week. And everyone loves a good "ooooh" and "aaaah" and to be queen (or king) of the playground for five minutes so leave them a comment if you can.
  • Did you post a link and now it's missing?: I reserve the right to delete any links that are not leading to a Show and Tell post or are the blogging equivalent of a spitball.


Cara said...

What, your kids don't sing Rudolph all year long?

Yup - we caved too after the Macy's parade when Santa's sleigh arrived and The Comedian started screaming, "Santa! He's awake! He finally woke up! Now he can make my presents."

Precious, eh?

battynurse said...

I love Christmas music. Even the religious stuff and I'm not religious.

Jess said...

Can't wait to see the new movies. Have a release date?

Seriously, your Christmas obsession is HILARIOUS to me. HILARIOUS. I love it.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'd forgotten how much I love these videos. So glad I'm getting a new one this holiday season!

(I love O Holy Night, too. I used it as a lullabye all year round when the kids were babies.)

I especially love Mother Nature's Flower Shop. It was the first time I heard your voice.

So glad you and Josh do this.

HereWeGoAJen said...

O Holy Night is my very favorite. Matt put it on his new car CD this morning for me and I was singing away. I also like What Child is This.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Holy Christmas! Since I didn't start reading your blog until this year, I never saw these movies until now.

YOU ARE MY HERO. You were already my hero, but you are way moreso my hero now.

Holy Christmas!

Emily (Apron Strings) said...

Ugh. I must say, I like a good carol every once in a while, but when our radio stations start playing them the day after Halloween?! Yeah ... I get annoyed AND sick of them by the actual holidays!

Brenda said...

I always wondered where you got all those cartoons! I never knew you had MOVIES!! How awesome is that?!? I just watched the video about how Aunt Jane knows more than my RE......Bwaaahaahhahaaa! (wipes eyes). So true, so true. said...

Hiyas Mel....just a technical Q...I see the heading "Other People Standing at the Head of the Class:", but there is no place below it where I can feed the link to my S&T post. Did I miss something? The link to my post is:

Other People Standing at the Head of the Class:

luna said...

I love these films! I think they were actually how I found you at first, maybe aunt jane? love them ALL! and I love that you make them together.

so excited to see the new one.

Wishing 4 One said...

Wow what a voice you have! You know I am embarrased to say this is the first I know of your movie production... and wow!

Um, i miss Christmas music...I have to admit. It always was so cheerful and holiday-ish no matter what holiday or not you celebrate.

Anyway so glad I found your movies and do make some new ones soon!

Petrucia said...

I'm also not Christian, but I love holiday songs. I've been listening to a few since the middle of november. The radio station here started the 24/7 business on the weekend of Nov 20th. :O

Sam said...

ha ha, I know exactly how you feel!! I cracked a few weeks ago and listened to something, but then I put that CD away and resolved to hold firm.

This week I finally broke out the Celine Dion CD - so Christmassy but not exactly Carolly so I thought that I could get away with that one!!

Pamela T. said...

Looking forward to the new flicks!

momofonefornow said...

I hate it when Christmas music starts so early. It makes the season seem less special somehow.

MrsSpock said...

I'm going to be a big Bah Humbug! and say I'm already for my radio station to go back to playing soft rock....

flickrlovr said...

I'm such a lame-o. I can't take too much Christmas music. I love it when I'm in the mood, but being bombarded with it for months and months? Not so much. said... is my computer playing those tricks with me... Just ignore my previous comment.

My tryst with Christmas Songs is limited to Silent Night, Holy Night and Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer

Jamie said...

Congratulations! That is a MAJOR accomplishment!