The Daily News

LFCA Latest Issue: Friday, September 25, 2009.

Latest Post on BlogHer: Parenting after Infertility.

My Status: Fed Josh's almonds to the squirrels. They needed them very badly.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

IComLeavWe: July

This List is Closed. Join Along for August.

Welcome to IComLeavWe. It stands for International Comment Leaving Week, but if you say it aloud, doesn't it sounds like "I come; [but] leave [as a] we"? And that's sort of the point. Blogging is a conversation and comments should be honoured and encouraged. I like to say that comments are the new hug--a way of saying hello, giving comfort, leaving congratulations.

Here is the vital information, pure and simple (a more detailed set of rules follows below the list):
  • The list opens the 1st of every month. It remains open until the 21st. You can add yourself at any point. The list is open to everyone in the blogosphere--blog writers and/or blog readers.
  • Add yourself to the list by leaving in the comment section your blog name, blog url, and three words that describe what you blog about most often.
Stirrup Queens (please capitalize your title) (please use http:// at the beginning of your url)
(infertility, twins, books) (please leave all three words in lowercase and place parentheses around your three words)
  • I move the information from the comment section into the post (usually within 24 hours).
  • Click here to cut-and-paste this bit of code to add to your sidebar.
  • Commenting kicks off every month on the 21st. Commenting week runs from the 21st to the 28th. Every day, leave 5 comments and return 1 comment for a total of 6 comments. You are highly encouraged to choose the blogs you comment on from the participants list below, but this is not required.
  • Read below if you want to find out about Iron Commentors.
  • The commenting ends on the 28th. We catch out breath and the whole thing starts again the next month on the 1st. Drop in and out according to what is happening in your life between the 21st and the 28th.
The July List
  1. Stirrup Queens (infertility, twins, books)
  2. Emily the Hopeless (infertility, veganism, dogs)
  3. What Wuz I Saying? (kids, infertility, adoption)
  4. This is my Truth, Tell me Yours (personal, current affairs, randomness)
  5. Cupcakes & Conundrums (infertility, adoption, Australia)
  6. Gas Passer (infertility, pregnancy bedrest, unicornuate uterus)
  7. Maybe it's Just Me... (PCOS, infertility, life)
  8. I'm a Smart One (surrogacy, infertility, children)
  9. Life and Times of KimboSue (infertility, A.R.T., randomness)
  10. Butterfly on My Shoulder (miscarriage, Lovenox, adoption)
  11. We're Barren, How 'Bout You? (life, infertility, puppy)
  12. Life in the White House (infertility, daily life, donor sperm)
  13. Three of a Kind Working on a Full House... (neonatal loss, secondary infertility, parenting)
  14. Andria and Co. (personal, marriage, kids)
  15. Child Bearing Hips (unexplained infertility, pregnancy, IVF)
  16. Communique (life, infertility)
  17. BagMomma (parenting, secondary infertility, RPL)
  18. Such Great Heights (decisions, infertility, family)
  19. Kicking You From The Inside (parenting, infertility, life)
  20. Sticky Feet (baby, food, personal)
  21. Helping Make Sense (infertility, IVF, life)
  22. One Pink Line (IVF, turning 30, life)
  23. In Ancient Starlight (infertility, IVF, life)
  24. Age 30 - A Year of Books (book reviews, book clubs, son)
  25. Waiting On Life (IVF, infertility, life)
  26. Ramblings by Reba (marriage, life, photography)
  27. Soliloquies of Tash (everything and nothing!)
  28. Fractured Rainbows (infertility, pcos, life)
  29. ...And Not By Sight (infertility, home renovation, life)
  30. Precious Little... (miscarriage, IVF, moving on)
  31. Mommy Confessions (kids, family, humor)
  32. Musings of a High School Teacher (TTC, teaching, life)
  33. Where Is That Special Water (secondary infertility, kids, random crap)
  34. My Family and Other Animals (kids, life, oddness)
  35. Our Life in a Nut Chelle (infertility, stress, personal)
  36. The Making of a Family (infertility, IVF, life)
  37. His Eyes My Nose (IVF, pregnancy, kids)
  38. Sell Crazy Someplace Else (infertility, male-factor, weight loss)
  39. Elusive BFP (infertility, fibroids, TV)
  40. Nest Half Empty (kids, grandkids, life)
  41. Who Shot My Stork? (MF infertility, life, being poor ass broke)
  42. Life Without Caden (stillbirth, grief, IVF)
  43. One Hardy Swimmer (donor sperm, life, adoption)
  44. Maybe I Will Have a Glass (infertility, going crazy, puppy)
  45. My Little Drummer Boys (stillbirth, infertility, IVF children)
  46. Just Me (infertility, going mad, infertility hell)
  47. A Soldier's Girl (military life, personal, IVF)
  48. The Idle Mind of Beth (infertility, meds, other stuff)
  49. A Maybe Story (miscarriage, life, mystery illness)
  50. A Sense of Humor is Essential (parenting, pediatric/art nursing, southern California)
  51. Alicia (infertility, adoption, shoes)
  52. Sippy Cups Are Not For Starbucks (personal, parenting, sarcasm)
  53. Not The Path I Chose (secondary IF, kids, acupuncture)
  54. Bellyaching and Benedictions (IVF, home-life, working-mom)
  55. They Grow In Your Heart (adoption, infertility, parenting)
  56. The Bailly Blog (pregnancy, photography, life)
  57. iwantitvmuch (IVF, FET)
  58. Vicious Cycle of Cycle (infertility, twins, life)
  59. Creating New Life Not As Easy As It Seems (infertility, endo, life)
  60. Are You Listening? (getting pregnant, life, randomness)
  61. The Not So Secret Life Of Us (infertility, life, emigration)
  62. The Non-Smoker (quitting smoking, life, addiction)
  63. Mommy Needs Therapy (special needs child, infant, marriage)
  64. Conceive This! (TTC, life, cynicism)
  65. Tales of the Phoenix (IVF survivor, meaning of life, prenatal depression)
  66. Edie Claire and Ella Grace (Edie, Ella, no sleep)
  67. Our Displaced Southern Family (parenting, family, work)
  68. Life of Melzie and Co. (secondary infertility, PCOS, life)
  69. Three Ring Circus (parenting, neonatal loss, life after loss)
  70. The Porridge Measurer (finding me, family, craft)
  71. Dreams Come True...Sometimes (life, photography, TTC)
  72. Ronda's Rants (faith, environment, rants)
  73. The Other Shoe (work/life balance, infertility, parenting)
  74. They Call Me Bobby (kids, life, opinions)
  75. Out of the Blue (books, blogging, language learning)
  76. Books Love Me (books, university, random stuff)
  77. Getting There (infertility, life, IVF)
  78. Slade Rocks and a Few Pebbles... (military, kids, daily life)
  79. Operation Life (surrogacy, healthy living, weight loss)
  80. Off My Mind But From My Heart (domestic adoption, kids, family)
  81. Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? (books, life, funny stuff)
  82. Help, I Have A Teenager! (parenting teenagers, depression, PTSD)
  83. Charms (infertility, twins, loss)
  84. Binary Blonde (life, pregnancy, randomness)
  85. Bugged (life, infertility)
  86. Dreaming of Baby (loss, TTC, randomness)
  87. Doolittle (illness, family, irreverence)
  88. The Road Through Life (life, fun, adventure)
  89. It's Not the End of the World (infertility, rampant emotions, life)
  90. Equal Opportunity Hater (infertility, grad school, personal annoyances)
  91. Stop the Train, I Wanna Get Off... (infertility, life, the bean)
  92. Isn't it Pretty to Think So? (stuff, fertility/RPL issues, IVF)
  93. Wit's End (personal, politics, food)
  94. That's My Answer (question of the day, would you rather questions, fill in the blank)
  95. The Spohrs Are Multiplying... (baby, her health issues, humor)
  96. Duchess Jane (home remodeling, randomness, travel)
  97. The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide (divorce, law, life)
  98. What Was I THINKING? (twins, teenagers, miscellaneous)
  99. Colored With Memories (kids, potty training, humor)
  100. Tales from Kiddyland, USA (motherhood, triplets, life)
  101. Must Love Tots (tots, life, cancer)
  102. The Hidden Side of a Leaf (books, reading, community)
  103. Snippets (knitting, family, personal)
  104. Here We Go Again (randomness, pregnancy, cooking)
  105. The View From The Hill (knitting, rock climbing, life)
  106. Gotcha Baby (adoption, young children, life)
  107. I'd Blog That! (randomness, life, kids)
  108. That Grrl (stick figures, drawing, abandoned farm houses)
  109. Mama Writing So I Don't Go Crazy (motherhood, reviews, random)
  110. Clearview (life, kids, urbanity)
  111. In Due Time (infertility, life, PCOS)
  112. Confessions of a Raving Lunatic (life in general)
  113. Our Journey to Baby - Weathering the Storm of Infertility (life, infertility, adoption)
  114. Book Haven (books, parenting, politics)
  115. Bookroom Reviews (books, giveaways, reviews)
  116. Do Without Doing (infertility, nursing, dog)
  117. The Unfair Struggle (infertility, male-factor, life)
  118. My Life on the Fertility D-List (miscarriage, IVF, life)
  119. Listen Up, Mofos! (parenting, San Francisco, my opinion)
  120. Let's Generate (motherhood, miscarriage, secondary infertility)
  121. The Saga of Becoming Fruitful (infertility, finances, cost)
  122. BB's BabyQuest (pregnancy, fear, randomness)
  123. Skrambled (infertility, donor conception, work)
  124. The Egg Drop Post (infertility, IVF, life)
  125. A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Shop (entertainment, news, interesting finds)
  126. There's Hope (miscarriage, ttc, life in general)
  127. Baby Smiling In Back Seat (infertility, IVF, philosophy)
  128. Antigone Lost (deadbabies, subsequent pregnancy, divorce)
  129. Add yourself...
You have questions...I have answers:

Q: What if I miss a day?
A: Catch up the next day by doubling your comments--12 comments instead of 6.

Q: What is an Iron Commentor?
A: Not for the faint-of-heart. People who wish to be an Iron Commentor and be entered on the Iron Commentor honour roll need to leave a comment on every blog on the participants list (exceptions are blogs that require you to have a special log-in, such as some LiveJournal accounts or other similar situations). You can spread out this commenting any way you wish over the whole week, but the final comment needs to be left by midnight on the 28th (EST). Reaching Iron Commentor status is done on an honour system.

Q: Why do I have to add that bit of code to my sidebar?
A: The code is the latest icon (the icon changes colour every month so you know that you're on the right list). This month, the icon is red, the next month it will be orange, etc. The reason is two-fold: (1) it enables more people to find out about IComLeavWe and (2) it gives you easy access to the current list once the commenting week actually begins. The icon is linked back to the current list. On the 28th, remove the icon from your blog. A new one will be created for the next month.

Q: It's the 23rd and I just saw this for the first time on my friend's blog! I want to join the list--why can't I?
A: Because IComLeavWe happens every month, once the list is closed, it's closed. If you're finding out about this on the 23rd, you can't join the current month. But leave yourself a note to check back in a week on the 1st and you can sign up for the next month.

Q: You said the list closes on the 21st. Well, it's still the 21st where I am. Why aren't you moving my information onto the list?
A: All dates and times are U.S. Eastern Standard Time (UTC/GMT -5 hours).

Q: What if no one comments on my blog and I have no comments to return?
A: Well, that really doesn't happen for the most part, but in that case, simply choose another blog and add an additional comment. The goal is to hit 6 comments daily as a minimum. Going over that is fantastic and encouraged.

Q: Mel, my question wasn't covered at all. What do I do?
A: Email me; I'm quite friendly. It helps to place "IComLeavWe" in the subject line. You could also check this post which contains the history of IComLeavWe and see if you can glean anything there.


Kim said...

I'm in!
What Wuz I Saying

(kids, infertility, adoption)

Keri said...

Count me in.

This is my Truth, Tell me Yours.

(personal, current affairs, randomness)

SassyCupcakes said...

I am loving that it's a week long.

Cupcakes & Conundrums
(infertility, adoption, Australa)

JW Moxie said...

I'm a Smart One

(surrogacy, infertility, children)

KimboSue said...

Life and Times of KimboSue

(infertility, a.r.t., randomness)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to participate too...

butterfly on my shoulder
(miscarriage, Lovenox injections, considering adoption)

Sorry, that was extra words! :)

sara said...

Count me in too!

Gas Passer aka UUer

(infertility, pregnancy bedrest, unicornuate uterus)

Jill said...

I'd Love to join this month!

Maybe it's Just Me..

(PCOS, infertility, life)

Erin said...

Sure I'm in.

We're Barren, how 'bout you?
(life, IF, puppy)

Jessica White said...

Life in the White House (infertility, daily life, donor sperm)

Kathy said...

I'm in too!

Three of a Kind Working on a Full House...

(neonatal loss, secondary infertility, parenting)

Anonymous said...


Andria and Co.
(personal, marriage, kids)

Cece said...

Sign me up!

Child Bearing Hips (unexplained IF, pregnant after IVF)

Anonymous said...

I'm in :)

(life & infertility)

Shelli said...

I'm in!

(parenting, secondary infertility, RPL)

smartypants said...

I'll give it a try again. A week sounds so much more doable.

Such Great Heights

(decisions, infertility, family)

Kate said...

Kicking You From The Inside
(parenting, infertility, life)


Jamie said...

Sounds fun!

Jamie @ Sticky Feet

(baby, food, personal)

Lisa said...

Sign me up!

Helping Make Sense

(infertility, IVF, life)

TTCinDC said...

count me in.

(IVF, turning 30, life)

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

In Ancient Starlight
(male & female infertility, IVF, life)

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Age 30 - A Year of Books

(book reviews, book clubs, reading with my son)

Joy said...

Count me in too!

Waiting On Life

(IVF, infertility, life)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'll play. :)

Ramblings by Reba

(marriage, life, photography)

Tash said...

Count me in!

Soliloquies of Tash

(everything and nothing!)

Arian said...

I'm here!

Fractured Rainbows

(Infertility, pcos, life)

andnotbysight said...

A week sounds doable! :)

. . . And Not By Sight

(infertility, home renovation, life)

Carrie said...

Can I join in too please?

Precious Little...

(Miscarriage, IVF, Moving On)

Michelle W said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle W said...

Your blog is amazing!

I am in

Mommy Confessions

(kids, family, humor)

Amy said...

Musings of a High School Teacher

(TTC, Teaching, Life)

Marie said...

Ooohh I wanna do this too.

Where Is That Special Water

(secondary infertility, kids, random crap)

Nic said...

Count me in!

(Kids, life, my own screwed up oddness)

Chelle said...

I'm IN!

Our Life in a Nut Chelle

(infertility, stress, personal)

Josée Martens said...

The Making of a Family
(IF, IVF, Daily Life)

shawna said...

His Eyes My Nose
(IVF, pregnancy, kids)

Jendeis said...

I'm in.

Sell Crazy Someplace Else

(infertility, male-factor, weight loss)

Echloe said...

Sign me up please

ELlusive BFP
(infertility, fibroids, TV)

KWolfAK said...

Me Too!

Nest Half Empty
Kids, Grandkids, Life

Io said...

Comments are the new hug!

Who Shot My Stork?

(MF infertility, random life, being poor ass broke)

Little Miss Hopeful said...

Life Without Caden

(stillbirth, grief, ivf)

Happy said...

One Hardy Swimmer

(donor sperm/infertility, life as I know it, adoption)

kirke said...

I want to play!

(infertility, going crazy, new puppy)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Me too

My Little Drummer Boys

stillbirth,infertility /IVF children

Just Me. said...

I'm in.


(infertility, going mad on this freakin' journey, living in infertility hell)

Miss Feisty said...

I'm in :)

A Soldier's Girl

(military life, personal, soon to be IVF!(

IdleMindOfBeth said...

Sign Me Up!

The Idle Mind of Beth

(infertility, meds, other stuff)

candy said...

Alone in a Crowd
(adoption, infertility, random ramblings)

J Sweet said...

ooh, me too!

A Maybe Story

(miscarriage, life, mystery illness)

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

A Sense of Humor is Essential

(parenting, pediatric/art nursing, southern california)

Danifred said...

Sippy Cups Are Not For Starbucks

(personal, parenting, sarcasm)

Photogrl said...

I'm new...but not to IF!

Not The Path I Chose

(secondary IF, kids, acupuncture)

alicia said...

ohh sounds fun! I am in!


(infertility, adoption, shoes)

Peeveme said...

Bellyaching and Benedictions
(IVF, home-life, working-mom)

katd said...

Love it! :)

They Grow In Your Heart

(adoption, infertility, parenting)

Elbee said...

Count me in!

The Bailly Blog

(pregnancy, photography, life)

Dee.. said...

I want too.


Erin said...

Vicious Cycle of Cycles
(infertility, twins, life)

Mrs Woggie said...

Creating New Life Not As Easy As It Seems

(infertility, endo, life)

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

The Not So Secret Life Of Us.
(infertility, life, emigration)

andrea said...


Are You listening?

(getting pregnant, life, randomness)

Colleen said...


The Non-Smoker

(quitting smoking, life, addiction)

Kristine said...

Mommy Needs Therapy

(special needs child, infant, marriage)

'Murgdan' said...

ooh ooh can I play!?

Conceive This!

(TTC, life, cynicism)

Phoebe said...

Ok, I will play this month, but I want to be No. 69 (*snort*), pleez.

Tales of the Phoenix

(IVF survivor, meaning of life, prenatal depression)

edie & ella said...

YEAH !!! I missed out on the last one... count me in please.

Edie Claire and Ella Grace

(edie,ella,no sleep)

Sue said...

Can I play?

Our Displaced Southern Family

(parenting, family, work)

Melzie said...

(Secondary infertility, PCOS, life)

I love this idea of 3, because I love to read people who are dealing with similar issues, like PCOS, or secondary inf. My son is almost 10, and we've been trying since.... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Three Ring Circus

(parenting,neonatal loss,life after loss)

Thought I would give this a go.

Tee said...

Yay good way to get people reading and good way to get my bum into gear to start writing!

The Porridge Measurer

(finding me, family, craft)

Mara said...

I'm in, again!

Hmm... wow.. that's hard...

(life, photography, TTC)

Ronda's Rants said...

I want to try!
Ronda's Rants

Anonymous said...

I promise I'll do better this time . . .

The Other Shoe

(work/life balance, infertility, parenting)

Alessandra said...

Count me in!

Out of the Blue

(books, blogging, language learning)

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

They Call Me Bobby

(kids, life, opinions)

Josette said...

I want to join in the fun! :D

Books Love Me

(books, university, random stuff)

nh said...

getting there

(infertility, life, IVF)

Daughter, Wife and Mom! said...

Sounds good I'm in.

Sladerocks and a Few Pebbles......adventures of a Recruiters Wife.

(Military Wife, Military Life, Kids, Anything that happens on a day to day basis)

Anonymous said...

Operation Life

(surrogacy, family life, healthy living, weight loss)

Mama Bear said...

Please include me!! Thanks

off my mind but from my heart

(open/closed infant domestic adoption, kids, family, infertility)

trish said...

I'm in, too!

Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'?

(books, life, funny stuff)

Insane Mama said...

I'm iin! I enjoyed it last month!

Help, I Have A Teenager!

(parenting teenagers, depression, ptsd, and mental issues)

Christine said...


(infertility, twins, loss)

Binary Blonde said...


Binary Blonde

(life, pregnancy, randomness)

Anonymous said...


(life, infertility)

*Brandi* said...

Dreaming of Baby

(loss, TTC, randomness)

Eliza said...


illness, family, irreverence

Lane J said...

Sounds like fun!

The Road Through Lie

(life, fun, adventure)

Hope2morrow said...

Okay, Okay- I'm in! Gee, peer pressure works wonders (thanks Lost & Found)!

It's Not the End of the World

(infertility, rampant emotions, life)

Tiffanie said...

count me in!

Equal Opportunity Hater

(infertility, grad school, personal annoyances)

momofonefornow said...

Me too!

Stop the train, I wanna Get off..

gosh, just 3?

(infertility, life, the bean)

Anonymous said...

Signing up!!
Isn't it Pretty to Think So?
(random stuff, fertility/RPL issues, IVF)

Anonymous said...

I'll sign up as well!

Wit's End

(personal, politics, food)

Anonymous said...

Sounds fantastically fun!


(question of the day, would you rather questions, fill in the blank)
Sorry for the extra words but my site is a question of the day, about 5 new questions are posed at midnight every day!

Anonymous said...


The Spohrs Are Multiplying...
(Baby, her health issues, humor)

Anonymous said...

Duchess Jane

(home remodeling, randomness, travel)

Anonymous said...

The Modern Woman's Divorce Guide

(divorce, law, life)

thank you!

Anonymous said...


(twins, teenagers, miscellaneous)

Colored With Memories said...

Sounds like fun!

Colored With Memories

(things kids do and say,potty training, humor)

Anonymous said...

(I can't follow directions to save my life, can I blame my pending root canal??)

I forgot to list the name of my blog: That's My Answer!

sorry :-)

tripmom827 said...

I like a challenge!

Tales from Kiddyland, USA

motherhood, triplets, life

Dewey said...

The Hidden Side of a Leaf

(books, reading, community)

Dewey said...

Melissa, I'm assuming it's ok to join with two blogs as long as I do twice the commenting! If it's not, please disregard the information below.


(knitting, family, personal)

Dawn said...

Would love to try!

Must Love Tots

(tots, life, cancer)

Katie said...

Count me in again, loved NaComLeavMo

The View From The Hill

(knitting, rock climbing, life)

Michelle said...

this will be fun!

(adoption,young children,life in general)

HereWeGoAJen said...

This list is getting long!

Here We Go Again

(Randomness, pregnancy, cooking)

flickrlovr said...

I'd Blog That!

(randomness, life, kids)

Laura Brown said...

That Grrl
(stick figures, drawing, abandoned farm houses)

LisaS said...

I can do that! sign me up, please:


life, kids, urbanity

Antonette said...

Mama Writing So I Don't Go Crazy

(motherhood, product/book reviews,random)

In Due Time said...

Count me in...

In Due Time

infertility, daily life/randomness, PCOS

Clever Trevor said...

Count me in please

Confessions of a Raving Lunatic

(Life in General)

g said...

Count me in :)

Our Journey to baby - Weathering the storm of Infertility

(Life, IF, Adoption)

Nyssaneala said...

I just discovered your blog for the first time (via hidden side of a leaf! What a great idea!

Book Haven
(books, parenting, politics)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea!
Bookroom Reviews
(books,book giveaways,parent reviews)

VA Blondie said...

Me too, please!

Do Without Doing

Male factor IF, IUI with trigger, GYN OR nursing, agility training of my Great Dane, weight loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I am going to try for Iron Commenting since DH will be out of town next week.

The Unfair Struggle
(infertility, male-factor, life)g

Anonymous said...

Okay, the inspiration fairies are working very serious amounts of over time here, topping out at 124 separate links this is one big issue of the Art Edition.

Listen Up, MoFos! said...


Listen Up, Mofos!

(parenting, life in San Francisco, my opinions on everything)

MommaLove said...

I'm in too!

My Life on the Fertility D-List

(Miscarriage, IVF, Life)

Anne said...

Let's Generate

(motherhood, miscarriage, secondary infertility)

Anonymous said...


(infertility, donor conception, work)

Eva said...

I would love to participate.

The Egg Drop Post

(infertility, IVF, life)

Andi said...

Just found out about this...sounds fun.

A Virtual Hobby Store and Coffee Shop
(entertainment,news,interesting finds)

Amy said...

I want in!

There's Hope
(miscarriage, ttc, life in general)

Antigone said...

Antigone Lost
(deadbabies, subsequent pregnancy, divorce)

Anonymous said...

Brand new blog, ready to join!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat

(infertility, IVF, philosophy)

littleangelkisses said...

Count me in!

In Search of Bisuit 2.0

Secondary IF, Parenting, life

HeidiM said...

I'll play.

Fumbling Towards Eggstacy

(IF, TTC >35, IVF)

Stephanie, Phil, Kayla, Logan & Alex said...

Count me in

Life With The Georgia Reiniches

(kids,life, fun)

momofonefornow said...

According to my spreadsheet (i am a nerd!) I have posted a comment on every blog! Woo to the Hoo!

Anonymous said...

I have successfully visited and commented on every blog. What a wonderful feat! Thanks to all who participated! =)

La Cootina said...

Well, I'll give it a shot, next month, I guess. (GotchaBaby sent me.)

Three words... that's tough! Let's try cancer, crafts & crankiness. ;D

Raggedy Ann said...

Greetings from sunny Portugal!

(pre/post-infertility, age-bitching, memories-from-across-the-sea)

Sorry for cheating with the slashes & dashes.

Raggedy Ann said...

Oops, sorry! I clearly didn't read instructions carefully. Here it goes again:

Raggedy Ann

(pre/post-infertility, age-bitching, memories-from-across-the-sea)

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Yes I would love to join

{Family, homeschool, recipes}

Fifty K said...

Different Is Always Good
(politics, workouts, life)