Let's begin.
I think Josh has reached the end of his rope with Smith Island. You probably have as well. But isn't this space delicious? And not in a crab-eating-if-you-don't-keep-kosher sort of delicious. I mean emotionally delicious? Doesn't it look as if there are great stories buried amongst the reeds?

What you see as you enter by boat; some waterfront houses have a small dock in front with boats. There are few cars on the island--most people use golf carts if they don't want to walk. The island is Methodist and they have a church and a Tabernacle for revivals (we somehow missed the Tabernacle on our trip around the island). These pictures are from Ewell. There are two other towns on Smith Island, but they weren't accessible without our own boat.

This is the cake! I'm tried to recreate it today (see below). This is the slice we ate on the island: The layers were so moist--each are individually baked rather than dividing a whole cake. The icing is a cooked fudge icing that hardens a bit upon cooling--much like a chocolate-glazed donut.

There are many tiny islands in the Chesapeake but most aren't populated. You pass a few with deserted structures like this as you boat out to Smith Island. I know it is decrepit and falling apart and abandoned, but isn't it beautiful too?

A portrait taken by the Wolvog on the boat ride away from the island. Yes, we are complete fools allowing our three-year-old to work our expensive digital camera. I am sure we will have regrets one day.
Oh, and I made the cake today. It was supposed to take about 45 minutes. It took me over 4 hours. But it came out fantastic in the end. We ate it for breakfast. As you can see, there are 8 layers inside, each a little under a centimeter in thickness. The icing is like liquid fudge. It is the consistency of chocolate caramel. There is a layer of it between each layer.

What are you showing today?
Other People Standing at the Head of the Class:
- Imagine Alyzabeth An
- Life from Here
- Bloorb This!
- Of Love and Loss
- Weebles Wobblog
- Worth it All
- Waiting for My Turn
- Lupus Pie
- A Year of Inconceivable Living
- Who Shot My Stork?
- Tales of the Phoenix
- The Problem with Hope
- Life After Infertility and Loss
- The Life and Times of Me
- The Sweet Life
- Kore Chronicles
- Slaying, Blogging, Whatever...
- Baby, Borneo, or Bust
- Searching for Hope
- Clumsy Kisses
- All Things Deb
- The Only Constant is Change
- Serenity Now!
- A Woman My Age
- The Road Less Travelled
- Mommy Needs Therapy
- Age 30 - A Year of Books
- The Therapist is In
- Anla Knits
- In Due Time
- Fumbling Towards Eggstacy
- One Pink Line
- Spuddy Buddy
- One Hardy Swimmer
- Churp, Churp
- I may in a bit of a sugar stupor from the cake, but I can still call on you. Next person? Don't be shy. This list is open through Tuesday. After that, hang on to your Show and Tell item for next week. The new thread will open on Saturday night.
Want to bring something to Show and Tell?
- If you would like to join circle time and show something to the class, simply post each Sunday (or earlier in the weekend or on Monday if you can't do Sunday), hopefully including a picture if possible, and telling us about your item. It can be anything--a photo from a trip, a picture of the dress you bought this week, a random image from an old yearbook showing a person you miss. It doesn't need to contain a picture if you can't get a picture--you can simply tell a story about a single item.
- Label your post "Show and Tell" each week and then come back here and add the permalink in the comments section below (make sure you don't just comment that you participated: add a link to your blog in your comment so people can click over). I post a new Show and Tell post every Saturday night or Sunday. I usually move people up into the body of the post every few hours.
- Oh, and then the point is that you click through all of your classmates and see what they are showing this week.
- If you want it...I've now placed a Show and Tell archive on the sidebar that will be updated each week in case you miss it. And click here for the icon code if you wish to have it for your blog. It links to the archives.
Wow. The island is enchanting and the cake - what can I say. It looks decitant...for breakfast - love it! Enjoy!
oh my! my mouth just watered reading the description of the icing! the island sounds wonderful. love all the pix!
I've got mine up now:
I luv places like that, that just look like there's so much history and interesting stories. Particularly how the house got painted all green and crazy like that. Brilliant.
I'm here http://www.bloorb.com/2008/06/show-n-tellin-it_14.html
Beautiful pictures! The cake makes me hungry for sure. And I love that house! I'm going to paint mine that way... maybe if I can get my husband to agree to it that is.
Mine's up!
Some people are cookie monsters; I am a cake monster.
Im at: http://worth-it-all.blogspot.com/2008/06/show-and-tell-with-mel_14.html
I love that little small town church. And your 3 year old took quite a good picture of you! Im impressed.
Oh G*d. That is beautiful. I was going to comment something about what a cute picture of you...but that cake. That CAKE. ::drools all over keyboard::
I also want to say that yes, the photos of Smith Island are beautiful.
But one of your S&T photos stand out as even more stunning than the rest.
Good job, Wolvog.
Wow what a beautiful area!
Here is my show and tell:
Mmmmm. That cake looks delicious!!
For my Show & Tell this week, I'm discussing my relationship with Tim Russert. I didn't use the Show & Tell label because I thought it might be disrespectful to do so in a post about someone's passing; however, Tim was an important person in my life so I wanted to share.
Sorry . . . I forgot to leave my link:
The cake looks beyond yummy! Wow!! You are a great baker!
Alyson LID 01/27/06 (IA China)
I like how the chocolate icing is just dripping off the cake. Hmmmmm, chocolate...
My Show and Tell is scheduled to be published Sunday, at 12:02am. If it's really "Show & Tell Sunday", I'm kind-of a stickler for it to post then!
Tales of the Phoenix
I am not sick of stories about Smith Island yet. Plus, I want the recipe for that cake. Yum.
I am impressed with the Wolvog's photography skills.
Beautiful pics!
My first show and tell:
The cake... the cake... I can't stop thinking about it! Yum!
The island looks so peaceful. I agree the abandon structures give it a wild and romantic air too.
I'm showing and telling.
I am getting in my car & coming over RIGHT NOW for some of that cake. You had me at the donut icing reference. mmmmmmm. Seriously- can you just fed ex me the bowl to lick??
Mel, that island looks sooo cool! And that candy colored house is rocking! :)
So is the cake, save for the chocolate icing (not a chocolate fan myself)....it looks fab.
I'm in for this week's show and tell...
Here's mine:
Ohhhhh - I SO wish I were there with you! Not just to eat that decadent looking cake either . . . :0)
Will you save me a piece if I show and tell next? Pretty please?
Life After Infertility & Loss
Oh Mel! I have Max reading over my shoulder drooling over that cake!
You must come to Sydney, Smith Island has some similarities to areas around where we live. They are great photos, I love the look of the houses.
Here is my show and tell
That house looks almost as edible as that cake!!
Here's my show and tell!
I want some cake. PLEASE? Pretty please with some of that lovely icing on it? Actually, this looks a lot like a cake I used to make years ago. I gave it up because of all the fiddle-faddling around trying to get
each layer roughly the same size. I'll be interested to see if it's the same recipe.
And Wolvog has the makings of a photographer. Clearly.
My Show and Tell is photography related and all!
I've enjoyed your tour of Smith Island!
The cake! Oh my gosh. The cake!
Looks wonderful. Hope it tastes as lovely as it looks!
Here's my show n tell.
That. cake. looks. DIVINE! I want me some of that cake.
Smith Island looks like a writer's ahven. I just want to go there with a blank book and write and write and write. The pictures alone tell so many stories. I'm so glad you shared!
I wish I lived near you, so I could just happen to stop by your house this morning.
In for S&T: Baby, Borneo or Bust...
Yummmm!!! Sounds like an awful lot of work, but sure does look delicious!
Here is my show and tell: http://searching4hope.blogspot.com/2008/06/show-tell.html
Will you please share your icing recipe?? If I ask nicely?
Dear Mel,
Will you please share your icing recipe? I have been dying for a good fudge recipe and haven't found one yet.
Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Gorgeous photos, including the one of you :)
My post is here.
That cake looks scrumptious.
I'm showing today too...
The pics are awesome! Glad you had a good time, that cake looks DEEEEELISH!!!! No show & tell as of right now.. Not home. Will post later.
I'm coming for breakfast!
(And booking a trip to Maryland...)
OK, Mel, you make me want to pack my bags & leave on vacation right now!!
Here's my post for this week, about vacationing on a different coast:
That cake looks wonderful. I think I gained weight just looking at it. I love the pictures of the island. My mother is on a coastal island on vacation right now. I am jealous of both of you.
Here is my show and tell for the week:
I'm in on the Show and Tell... here's the link: http://serenitynowinfertile.wordpress.com/2008/06/15/show-and-tell-sunday-3/
OMG that cake sounds delish.
As does the whole Smith Island experience. A vacation place that can feed your soul? It's an amazing thing.
Showin' it and Tellin' it. I LOVE CAKE!
I finally "moved" to my new blog. Can I show that off for show and tell?
show and tell. Mine will be up shortly.
I love the photos! Here's the link to my post.
OMG - that cake looks divine!! I would love to try to make one myself, but I have a feeling I would probably just eat all the icing out of bowl while the cake burned in the oven.
A little bit late today . . .
I'm late!!!
In Due Time
It's only 10 p.m. by me so I'm still on Sunday time!
That cake looks good btw. And your 3-yo did a great job on the pic!
Here's mine for the week: Fumbling Towards Eggstacy Show & Tell #4
My show and tell is the story behind my new camera!
I must have that cake! Must have it now! (Wipes drool away)
Here's my entry
WOW! Beautiful island and YUMMY cake!
Oh my goddess, that cake....
Here's mine.
Beautiful pictures!
Here's mine:
Camping Cobbler
oh, g*d... want cake! WAAAANT CAAAAAKE NOWWWWWW!
My stomach is rumbling...
It looks like your vacation was fabulous. And a most excellent portrait taken by the young'un.
Love your travel pics, and your cake looks spot-on! And soooo delicious...
I am so behind BUT you have to make that cake again and give me a piece. It is one of my favorite southern cakes. I am SO IMPRESSED! It is a hard cake to make.
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